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LoversPlanet - эффективный, престижный и удобный сайт для создания реальных серьезных отношений, семьи, брака, дружбы и общения с иностранцами.


LoversPlanet создан для того, чтобы помочь встретиться одиноким мужчинам из Западной Европы и Северной Америки с восточно-европейскими женщинами, найти свое счастье, любовь, спутника жизни, друга для совместного путешествия и отдыха. 

© LoversPlanet.com 2003 - 2014



Lovers Planet is an online dating service which connects women from countries of Eastern Europe with men from US, Canada and Western Europe.

Looking for single Russian girls for romance or marriage? Lovers Planet is an online dating service provider that unites marriage-minded women also known as "Russian Brides". These are women seeking foreign men for marriage. Many singles use a dating agency to find their loved one, just like you. At Lovers Planet we understand that it takes time before your relationship grows into marriage. Russian dating services from Lovers Planet offers personals ads posted by single women, Ukraine brides, Moldova girls, as well as ladies from other Eastern European countries such as Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan. These profiles are posted by respective individuals, interested in International Dating. Lovers Planet provides the infrastructure - all the tools for people to meet online. Are you considering a Russian wife? Why date beautiful Russian Brides? Learn more about dating Russian women.

Singles Express Their Gratitude To Lovers Planet For Meeting Russian Women Which of these two decisions do you think has a bigger impact on someone's life: finding a good job, or finding the right significant other? Forbes magazine asked men and women what matters most in the places they live. The majority considered "number of other singles" to be far more important than "great career prospects".

Singles now make up more than half of all American households compared with just 20 percent or so in the 1960s - 1970s. Many people postpone marriage until their late 20s - 30s with significant share of marriages ending in divorce, the odds are stacked against you if you are single.

Lovers Planet is good news for singles, because at Lovers Planet you can meet someone special across borders. With many marriages numerous success stories are published on Loversplanet.com, single men and women express their gratitude to Lovers Planet for bringing them together with women from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus.

Many Lovers Planet members have been referred by other members. They use LP brand name in finding this website. If you are single, you've come to the right place: Get Started Now

Russian Brides - a different relationship?

Most men use this site because they are looking for a different relationship. So do Russian brides - they are looking for their life partner abroad. It's natural that most foreign brides prefer to study you in detail before creating a more serious bond or marriage. Eastern European brides are different from brides in other countries because marriage is their main priority from an early age. Even young Russian girls see value in creating a family first and only afterwards they think about their career, not visa versa. Dating for most women in Russia implies marriage, family, kids. Your relationship with a woman from Russia is likely to be different from any relationship you have had before. The divorce rate in marriages with Eastern women tends to be much lower than with marriages in America, UK & Australia. Read more about Russian brides and why so many American men turn to Eastern Europe for love. Bear in mind, however, that you still have to put effort into your relationship with Russian brides. They come from a different culture, speak a different language. Single women from Eastern Europe who are willing to get married are also willing to learn - you should adopt the same attitude.

You can find valuable information about European brides online. If you are truly interested in finding a wife, take time to read tips & advice on various issues related to foreign brides, Russian dating, online dating. Try to understand how International Dating works. Thousands of single women are featured on this dating service. Your happy marriage with a Russian bride can start right here at Lovers Planet!

Russian Dating requires determination and effort

Do not be misled by the term "mail order brides". Sincere women looking for families are not mail-order merchandise you can "order" online or have it sent to you by mail. They are live people with feelings, emotions. It takes time to develop any successful relationship. This inevitably requires making an effort. Brides from Russia are famous internationally as the most beautiful women in the world. A typical woman from Russia looks like a model. Therefore, dating is competitive, even though it's online. However, when you do develop your relationship it is likely to be long-term. Most single Russian girls have well-developed family values. They become devoted wives and mothers. Read more about Russian dating and Eastern European brides.

Meet Russian women online. Find your loved one today!

Each year millions of men from US, Canada, Australia as well as many other countries meet, marry and feel happy living with women from Russian, Ukraine, Belarus and other Eastern European countries (see Popular Searches). Many couples eventually create successful families, raise wonderful children. In our opinion, marriages to Russian brides have a track record of success as well as a lower risk of divorce. Why wait? Browse profiles of these beautiful women, post your own ad (it's free). Find your future Russian wife right now!

Russian Brides | Russian Women | Russian Girls | Russian Dating


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